Création de start-up : un modèle grenoblois unique
Classée 5ème ville la plus innovante au monde et 2ème en Europe*, 1 habitant sur 5 travaille dans la recherche, l’innovation ou l’enseignement supérieur. Plus de 200 start-up issues de la recherche publique ont été créées en 10 ans sur le territoire.
Floralis participe activement à ce processus de création : plus de 100 start-up créées exploitent les technologies de l’UGA dont une vingtaine dans le portefeuille d’investissement de Floralis.
* Forbes, 2013
Tous Numérique Électronique / Instrumentation Matériaux / Procédés Environnement / Énergie Intelligence artificielle Agroalimentaire / Nutrition / Bien-être Humanités Thérapeutique Dispositifs médicaux
Électronique / Instrumentation

Hap2u designs and develops patented technology to enhance experiences in the digital world by integrating the sense of touch in tactile devices. They aim to integrate their haptic technology in tactile interfaces in the automotive market, manufacturing, IoT, and smart home products to revolutionise how we interact with objects and machines.

Design of fluid asset management and pollution monitoring solutions for industry 4.0 based on disruptive level and quality sensors

Resolution Spectra System
Development of an offer based on SWIFTS™ technology and advanced optical spectroscopy

Ultra-high resolution 2D and 3D-printers for industrial and scientific applications

A service company for source-less, noise-based seismic exploration and monitoring

New MRAM which provides unlimited write cycles at high speed without further compromises in data retention and energy

Use a silicon micro-chip to convert heat flux, created by temperature differences, in electricity (thermoelectric Seebeck effect). The energy storage process occurs even with a small temperature difference.

Tiempo Secure
Develops and qualifies high end silicon IP to address critical applications requiring faster transaction time, robustness against the environment and higher security

Propose au marché des capteurs d’image CMOS des solutions d’IP hybrides innovantes
7 Allée Palestine
38610 Gières
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