Filiale de valorisation - Université Grenoble Alpes

IRAP​ - A new marker for the detection of insulin resistance

A new marker for the detection of insulin resistance: quantitative determination of the circulating domain of IRAP

Ref : TO B088

Competitive advantages

  • First test to directly measure insulin sensitivity
  • Allows for an early detection of insulin resistance and for its follow-up as well as that of type 2 diabetes
  • Simple, specific, sensitive, reproducible, inexpensive and quick assay (ELISA)

Market opportunities

Detection of insulin resistance in metabolic disorders (obesity, prediabetes, gestational diabetes,T2D, PCOS) and associated cardiovascular disease (hypertension, atherosclerosis) as well as in pregnancy.

Development level

  • Development of an ELISA prototype
  • Pilot studies in diabetic patients and patients after bariatric surgery
  • Clinical studies in patients at risk for prediabetes (results expected at the end of 2019)


Search for partnerships

  • Licensing
  • Collaborative research

Intellectual property

Patent application WO/2010/001079 Delivered for USA, Japan, and Europe

Researcher / Laboratory

Serge Bottari / Institute for advanced Biosciences (IAB)


Type 2 diabetes affects up to 20 % and insulin resistance up to 42 % of the population in industrialized countries. Whereas studies indicate that early treatment of insulin resistance strongly reduces the progression of the disease towards diabetes as well as the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, the actual diagnosis of insulin resistance (based on OGTT) is tedious, costly,  not very reproducible and does not directly measure the sensitivity of the organism to insulin.

We therefore developed a simple new blood test for the screening and early diagnosis of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2D). This assay is based on the quantitative determination of the secreted domain of IRAP (Insulin Regulated Amino Peptidase) in serum. IRAP is a protein involved in the insulin-dependent translocation of the glucose transporter GLUT4 to the plasma membrane where it allows glucose uptake in response to insulin secretion.

Technology Details

When insulin resistance occurs, the translocation of GLUT4 and IRAP is significantly reduced and as a result, so is the secretion of IRAPs (the cleaved extracellular domain of IRAP) in the blood as well.

The plasma concentration of IRAPs is therefore proportional to the degree of insulin sensitivity and inversely proportional to the degree of insulin resistance.

We developed an ELISA using two monoclonal antibodies directed against two different epitopes of IRAPs. This test allowed us to perform pilot studies showing :

  • a low degree of dispersion of fasting IRAPs values in controls
  • an excellent correlation of IRAPs with glycemia and insulinemia in healthy individuals
  • a rapid and transient increase of IRAPs concentration in response to insulin administration in healthy individuals
  • lack of elevation of IRAPs during OGTT in diabetic patients
  • an increase of IRAPs following bariatric surgery

A prospective clinical study is currently being conducted to evaluate the diagnostic potential of IRAPs assay in prediabetes in a population at risk during OGTT.  Insulin resistance is being determined by eugly- cemic hyperinsulinic clamp.


In addition to licensing, the technology is available through collaborative research opportunities with the inventors for further clinical validation in metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, gestational and diabetes, T2D and other pathologies.


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38610 Gières

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