Filiale de valorisation - Université Grenoble Alpes


A unique technology to characterize environmental body contamination


Competitive advantages

  • Prevention of human diseases connected to pollution
  • Defining a rigorous theranostic approach
  • Next generation personalized environmental medicine

Our sampling technology gives access to the monitoring of damages tissues. It can be performed at home and processed remotely. It is highly sensitive and compatible with the low dose environmental cocktail scenario. Moreover, it is low-cost and compatible with a large scale preventive approach.

Market opportunities

  • Environnemental
  • Pesticides
  • Human body contamination

Development level

Pre-industrial prototypes and proof of concept of our technology have been done focusing on pesticides and more specifically glyphosate . Two medical devices have been designed to explore the active and storage human body pollution. Clinical translation should start by the end of 2022 as well as industrialization to move to CE-norm certification.


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Intellectual property


Researcher / Laboratory

François BERGER / BrainTech Lab


Pollution involves pesticides, nanoplastic and metallic nanoparticles. This cocktail dramatically alters human health from cancer to cognitive alterations. It also favors “pre-diseases” states such as obesity, metabolic disturbances, and inflammation. The end-point urine or hair dosages are non-relevant of damaged tissues. No technology exists to monitor human body contamination and its impact.

The aim of EcoPrint is to develop an innovative technology to decipher environmental body contamination. It is based on a specific bio-affinity strategy, making possible highly sensitive detection of fat environmental body contamination and impact.


We provide for the first time a human body environmental fingerprint also detecting pollution impact. It makes possible an adequate prevention concerning professional exposure as well as the exposure of every widely exposed citizen. It will pave the way to a new personalized environmental medicine. Veterinary and food applications are also possible.




7 Allée Palestine
38610 Gières

Tél : +33 (0)4 56 52 04 30

E-mail : contact@floralis.fr


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