Filiale de valorisation - Université Grenoble Alpes


Old drugs for new medicines


Competitive advantages

  • Time reduction to market a molecule
  • Time reduction for clinical phase tests
  • New antiparasitic molecules

The Toxoplasma model enables to analyze both parasitic and human cells. The use of different technologies and the expertise of our team produced a reliable process for drug discovering and target deconvolution. For clients, costs and timings will be reduced by a technology “ready to use”. 

Market opportunities

  • Drug repurposing
  • Toxoplasma
  • Target deconvolution

Development level

Although the POC is described in different scientific publications, the validation of the molecular screening and the target-deconvolution process is ongoing to patent new “drug-target” couples and consolidate the IP portfolio. Two public fellowships (ANR, FRM) support the project.


Search for partnerships

Maturation (via SATT Linksium)

Intellectual property


Researcher / Laboratory

Mohamed-Ali HAKIMI / IAB


Drug repurposing and target deconvolution strategies are currently used by pharmaceutical industries to accelerate the process of drug discovering and the time to market of a molecule. A problem which concerns every therapy and associated diseases.

The entire process is based on the Toxoplasma gondii parasite model. It includes a large phenotypic screening of molecules with antiparasitic activity, followed by genetic approaches, in vitro and in vivo drug-target interaction analyses, to identify the molecular target and the mechanism of action.


  • Safety and efficiency tests on molecules before passing to the clinical phases
  • Drug repositioning for zoonoses
  • In vivo efficiency, toxicity and intestinal permeability tests
  • Chemical modification of molecules to increase their safety and efficiency for the described inhibitory pathways




7 Allée Palestine
38610 Gières

Tél : +33 (0)4 56 52 04 30

E-mail : contact@floralis.fr


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